United Women in Faith

With open arms,

we welcome you to join one of our many events and small groups. This is a great way to be connected to the other women within the church!


We all love to stay active with service opportunities. Not only is this a passion, but we feel it is essential to our calling as followers of Christ. Click the button below to see our upcoming service opportunities (as well as other upcoming events).


Join a Circle.

All women are invited to join a Circle. Asbury Women's Circles gather monthly (September through May) for study, fellowship and service activities. There is a Circle just right for you!

Meet the board.

We have a strong team of female leaders at the heart of our Women’s Ministry. They would love get a chance to meet you and answer any questions you may have!

Empowering women through education.

Every year we have a $1000 scholarship opportunity! The deadline is May 19 and you simply need to fill out an application. Requirements: Must be a female member of Asbury Church.


Tori Defrin received the 2023 UMW Scholarships.