Weekly Update // Pastor Will

Hello friends,

It's been an eventful few weeks at Asbury, especially with the arrival of new babies! As Phyllis Klock, the chair of our Staff Parish Relations Committee (which is akin to the church's Human Resources), mentioned during last weekend's services, and Tom Moore, our Finance Committee Chair, reiterated, Pastor Chris and I are both reappointed to Asbury for the upcoming year. Praise God! For those unfamiliar with the process, a cabinet convenes in early January to consider all requests and openings, prayerfully placing pastors accordingly. One thing worth noting is the Florida Conference's excellent practice of prioritizing new incoming pastors. While other conferences do this too, Florida stands out for its dedication to this approach.
Pastors are assigned annually, from July 1 to July 1 of the following year. If neither the church nor the pastors request a move or are not asked to move, they are considered to be reappointed, as is the case for Pastor Chris and me. I believe I can speak for him as well when I say we both feel blessed to serve as your pastors. We're excited about the path God has led us on and continues to lead us, anticipating the exciting journey ahead!
I ask for your continued prayers for the ongoing General Conference, which began on Tuesday, April 23rd, and concludes on Friday, May 3rd, in Charlotte, North Carolina. Let's pray for God's guidance and presence to be palpable among all participants.
Last Sunday, we launched our new series titled "Faith at a Crossroads," exploring various topics and how we, guided by scripture and our faith, should navigate them. Last week's focus was on busyness, and this Sunday, we'll delve into consumerism—not just material possessions, but also the broader implications, including the influence of platforms like Amazon. We've made some slight adjustments and will conclude the series a week early. This means that this week will also focus on stewardship. These topics go hand in hand, so we'll discuss them together! I encourage you to join us for service, either at the 9:30 am Celebration Service or the 11:00 am Traditional Service. If you can't attend in person, you can catch the services on YouTube and Facebook.
Thank you, and have a blessed weekend!
Pastor Will


Weekly Update // Pastor Will


Weekly Update // Pastor Will