Weekly Update // Pastor Will

Hello friends,

During Holy Week, the church engages in various symbolic acts. For instance, Palm Sunday starts the week with the waving of palm branches, symbolizing Jesus' entry into Jerusalem amidst the people's welcome. On Thursday, the altar is stripped during the service, symbolizing Christ's humiliation on the Cross and the events leading up to it. The colors hung on the cross throughout the week reflect the tone and emotions of each day. Additionally, the Tenebrae service on Good Friday, deriving its name from Latin for "Shadows" or "Darkness," employs darkness to represent the gloom that enveloped the earth on that fateful day. This solemn service intersperses the reading of the crucifixion story with musical pieces, gradually dimming the lights, creating a deeply moving experience. If you have not been before, I hope you will come on out and join us for this service.

Despite the solemnity of Holy Week, we anticipate the joyful celebration of Jesus' resurrection and triumph over sin and death on Easter Sunday. The day begins early, at 6:30 am, with a service at our Lakeside Chapel, often well attended, so bringing a chair would be helpful. Following this, we have our 9:30 am Contemporary Service and our 11:00 am Traditional Service, both featuring communion. If you're unable to attend in person, we'll be live-streaming the 9:30 am and 11:00 am services, though unfortunately not the 6:30 am due to connectivity issues. Whichever service(s) you choose to join, Easter promises to be a special occasion as always.

God Bless, and I look forward to seeing you all soon!

Warm regards,

Pastor Will


Weekly Update // Pastor Chris


Weekly Update//Pastor Will